Prayer: Thank you, God, that You have provided us with everything we need "to undo and destroy all the works of the enemy." May 7, 2018. If we want to take our faith to the next level we must do 2 things. God does nothing on earth unless he does it through a person. The Translator of the Passion Bible says, "even those words are not adequate. We were created to reign and rule with Jesus. He lives in me and performs miracles" John 14:10. Walking in Divine Authority. against the forces of evil that are spirit-persons, but persons nonetheless. Consider whether your lack of answers or breakthroughs or whatever it is you need that isn’t transpiring is a power problem or an authority problem. Resist the devil, and he will … But how exactly do we walk in that power? It may not feel like it, but it’s true. Let’s talk about how we can activate that power in our daily lives. Reflection. FAITH Faith is the key to unlocking the supernatural power of God. He goes on to say "The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will DO THE SAME MIGHTY MIRACLES THAT I DO-EVEN GREATER MIRACLES THAN THESE BECAUSE I GO TO BE WITH MY FATHER. There is no name and no authority higher than Jesus. There’s a lot of teaching in the church today about how God’s power is released in our lives. In Ephesians 5:15-17, we’re asked to walk circumspectly, make the most of the time, and “firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is” (AMP). Summary: As a Christian, you have God’s authority and power in you. 950 Eagles Landing Parkway #347 Stockbridge, GA 30281 • Office: (678) 752-4333 • Prayer Line: Extension 1, If you’ve been following either this weekly blog, The process of growing up spiritually involves choices you must make and strategies you must take responsibility for engaging in (see last week’s post, When you mature spiritually, you are able to access new realms of spiritual power, But in this season, as we approach this beautiful holiday that commemorates all Christ did for us on the Cross, And that is what I want to equip you to do in our, Meanwhile, if you haven’t already, make time to visit the. … “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord” (2 Corinthians 10:17). David describes the awesome power, majesty and authority of God’s voice (vv.4–5a,7–9a). What they’re really talking about is divine authority. And that is what I want to equip you to do in our 4 Points Broadcast. Romans 12:2 NKJV. Reflection. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. To those who do not know the saving grace of Christ, our actions and love for Him are foolishness. When you mature spiritually, you are able to access new realms of spiritual power; maturity grants you access that you wouldn’t have otherwise. I know you will find the equipping and empowerment you need to walk in greater authority. 1 Corinthians 1/18. If you’ve been following either this weekly blog, or the 4 Points Broadcast, you’ll know that as Christ’s disciples, we have a part to play in walking in that power and authority. The word “Keys” (kleis in the Greek) means power and authority. In Psalm 115:16, God says the earth He has given to man. Adam surrendered authority to Satan when he sinned. We have all the power and authority of God through the Holy Spirit. Jesus did miracles, signs and wonders- He healed every single one who came to Him, He cast out demons, He raised the dead. Obey God’s instructions, and then walk in authority. So let’s define power and authority. So what can we glean from this word study? It is a remarkable blessing to serve in the Lord’s true and living Church with His authority and power. This week, as we celebrate the Resurrection Life that Christ made possible by the work He accomplished on the Cross—and the legacy of divine power He made available to all who confess Him as Lord and believe He rose again…. May '15. Actually, we don’t really talk about “how”…only that it mysteriously is. Spiritual maturity gives you access—or the divine right—to what already belongs to you. Establishing authority is … Baptize us anew in the Holy Spirit that we may walk in all the power, authority and anointing you secured for us through your death and resurrection, Jesus! Amen, Big House Church, 1420 Colonial Ave, Norfolk, VA, 23517, United States, Walking in the Authority and Power Of God. Walking in the word of God opens your life and situation up for the supernatural power of God to intervene and … 1 John 5:14-15, “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask … The message is clear: We must arise and function in the power and authority we have as God’s children. He is upholding all things by the word of His power (Heb. “God has raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His own power.” “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; … "I promise you this, the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be filled with POWER" Acts 1:8 "All AUTHORITY has been given to you, now go IN MY AUTHORITY and make disciples of all nations." We see those blessings flowing to women, men, and children throughout the world. It requires intentionality. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. If you’re not seeing God’s power evidenced in your everyday life, I would challenge you to consider where you are in the spiritual maturation process. "I promise you this, the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be filled with POWER" Acts 1:8 "All AUTHORITY has been given to you, now go IN MY AUTHORITY and make disciples of all nations." Romans 8:11 MSG. Jesus is saying that he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. 27. We are His ambassadors of love and power. THIS IS HOW THE SON WILL SHOW WHAT THE FATHER IS REALLY LIKE AND BRING HIM GLORY.I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU ASK ME TO DO IN MY NAME." Last summer, on July 25, 2016, Karen, Abby and I were in Orange Beach, AL to attend a dear friend’s ministry board meeting that Karen and I serve on. Plan now to join me next week as we continue to explore the 8 Stages of Spiritual Maturation. • God gave Adam authority, dominion over all the earth. We have been given all authority, power, and dominion. This type of spiritual growth is a process. Even my words are nor my own but come from my Father. He gave Adam authority, and He didn’t override Adam’s decision to relinquish it to Satan. Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. We have a powerful enemy, but as powerful as he is, he must yield to our authority in Christ, if we understand that we have it and choose to walk in it. He came to take all the effects of the curse of sin in our lives and to save us from its every effect!" The devil will have to listen to you, because you are covered in the blood from head to foot, wearing the armor of authority. That “something” was authority. It is used for destruction and torturing people. Submit yourselves therefore to God. • When Adam sinned, he surrendered the authority … I am writing you today to tell you God has keys for you. God has given us authority on earth to rule. - Matthew 28:18, During Jesus’ ministry, He taught and demonstrated the power and authority of God. 13 Bible Verses about Authority, Belonging To God ... God's Hands Stretched Out God, Power Of Guidance, God's Promises Of God, Human Descriptions Of God's Omnipotence Challenges. All day today, you should be leaving bloody footprints, because of the authority that you are walking … Everything has been placed under the feet of Jesus for your benefit!” Child of God, you must never see yourself as a destitute person! WHEN YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY AND YOU WALK IN IT, THE ENEMY WILL KNOW IT TOO For the body of Christ to be victorious, we must have an understanding of the rulership God has given to us. God has put His power under our authority, and we are responsible for using it. Luke 9:1-2, Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. To those who do not know the saving grace of Christ, our actions and love for Him are foolishness. Establishing Authority and God's Commands Lesson Two Allan McNabb 4 Establishing Authority and God's Commands A. Besides the authority to share the gospel, the authority of the believer includes the right to be called a child of God (John 1:12) and the authority to “approach God’s throne of grace with … The word of God is …

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